Ven. Chang Wu Fashi

Ven Chang Wu is a Buddhist monastic in the Chen/Zen tradition.  In the past 15 years, she delivered regular classes in Buddhist philosophy and meditation, to a wide range of people from different background and age group.  She led regular intensive meditation retreats to seasoned practitioners in Toronto and Vancouver, Canada; various meditation centres in The USA, such as DDRC and CMC in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Texas, Chicago, Pittsburgh; as well as Mexico and Taiwan. 

Apart from leading meditation retreats, she was a teacher on Buddhism and meditation practice at the Sheng Yen Academy and Dharma Drum Sangha University in Taiwan. In addition, she played an active role in organising and participating in scholarly conferences and interfaith dialogue around the world.  Ven. Chang Wu is currently the Abbess of Dharma Drum Vancouver Centre.

Bitte beachten

Aus gesundheitlichen Gründen ist der Vortrag und das Retreat mit Žarko Andričević leider abgesagt.

Als Nächstes

So 18. März 2019 10 - 16  Uhr

So, 24. März 2019, 9-18 Uhr

Chan Einführung II
Ab 29. März

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Die Pilgerin Ziyong Chengru von Hildi Thalmann (Chang She) im Rundbrief



An der Eröffnung hat auch unsere Lehrerin Hildi Thalmann (Chang She) mitgewirkt. Bilder und Video hier


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