
Chan Meditation Retreat “Silent Illumination” with Žarko Andričević - Dharma Heir of Meister Sheng Yen - February 23rd to March 2nd, 2019


3-Day-Chan-Retreat with Hildi Thalmann (Chang She) Chan-Teacher in the Tradition of Master Sheng Yen Sat June 8th - Mon June 10th, 2019

The 3-Day-Retreat is an opportunity to deepen and widen our own practice. It is designed for persons who already have participated in introductions. We learn the basic techniques of relaxation and concentration to settle body and mind.

Thereafter we are introduced to the advanced methods of "Silent Illumination" (mozhao). We practice in sitting periods of 30 or 40 minutes, alternating with Yoga exercises and meditative walking. Daily Dharma talks. Questions and problems arising with the use of the chosen meditation method can be discussed in individual interviews. Daily one hour of working meditation. Continuous silence.


We start the first day at 8am, on June 9th and 10th at 6.15 am und finish at 10 pm, on June 10th at 16th.



Retreat language is German, translation into English is possible.

Additional Informations
3-Day-Chan-Retreat June 2019.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 247.1 KB
Application form 3-Day-Retreat 2019.doc
Microsoft Word Dokument 34.5 KB

7-Day Intensive Meditation Retreat with Ven. Chang Wu Fashi August 26 to September 2nd, 2019

In this 7-day retreat we follow the traditional Chan monastery schedule, starting early in the morning and making the most efficient use of time in concentrated group practice.

The retreat will begin on August 26 with an evening meal at 6 pm, followed by a Dharma talk by Venerable Chang Wu and will end before lunch on September 2

The retreat is held in silence. The day begins at 5:00 am, and ends at 10:00 pm consisting of a number of 30 or 40 minutes meditation periods, including walking meditation and Yoga exercises. Dharma lectures will be given daily and participants will have the opportunity for personal interviews with the teacher.

The retreat will be conducted in English.

Addittional Informations
Intensive 7-Day Chan Retreat with Chang
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 373.1 KB
Application form Chang Wu Fashi 2019.doc
Microsoft Word Dokument 22.0 KB
Application form Chang Wu Fashi 2019.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 63.3 KB

Chan Retreat „Paths to Chan“ with Hildi Thalmann (Chang She) Chan-Teacher in the Traditionof Master Sheng Yen Sat September 28 – Tue October 3, 2019

In the retreat entitled "Paths to Chan" we will become familiar with the Chan methods, as taught in the lineage of Master Sheng Yen. Unlike longer-term retreats the daily routine is designed a little looser and more flexible, and more instructions and explanations are given.

We learn the basic techniques of relaxation and concentration to settle body and mind. Thereafter we are introduced to the methods of "Silent Illumination" (Mozhao) and Huatou. Discover which method suits you the most. We practice in sitting periods of 30 or 40 minutes, alternating with Yoga exercises and meditative walking.

Dharma talks include also practical aspects of our predecessors. Questions and problems arising with the use of the chosen meditation method can be discussed in individual interviews. Daily one hour of work meditation. Continuous silence. We will start the retreat on September 28 at 6:00 p.m. and finish on October 3 at 11:00 a.m.

Retreat language is German, translation into English is possible.

Additional Informations
Chan Retreat Paths to Chan 2019.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 358.3 KB
Application form Paths to Chan 2019.doc
Microsoft Word Dokument 21.5 KB
Application form Paths to Chan 2019.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 60.5 KB

Bitte beachten

Aus gesundheitlichen Gründen ist der Vortrag und das Retreat mit Žarko Andričević leider abgesagt.

Als Nächstes

So 18. März 2019 10 - 16  Uhr

So, 24. März 2019, 9-18 Uhr

Chan Einführung II
Ab 29. März

Neuster Artikel

Die Pilgerin Ziyong Chengru von Hildi Thalmann (Chang She) im Rundbrief



An der Eröffnung hat auch unsere Lehrerin Hildi Thalmann (Chang She) mitgewirkt. Bilder und Video hier


In diesem Rundbrief lesen Sie über den Entstehungsprozess des Grabfeldes. Hier


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Aus Song of Mind 
von Niu Tou Fa Jung